Wakefield Schools March Board of Education Report #celebrate379

Seventh graders in Mrs. Crabtree's ELA class are in the middle of writing opinion pieces. After writing rough drafts and going over a revision checklist, students are also using a program called Writable, which is a part of the new HMH English curriculum. #celebrate379

Mr. Freeman's Algebra I students were in the middle of a review over the past few weeks to prepare for a test. Specifically, they were working on exponents and slope intercept. #celebrate379

CCCHS & WHS have won 31 state championships between the two schools.

Mr. Seuser's World History classes are diving into Nationalism and the empires of Europe. Today, they were focusing on the Ottoman Empire. Mr. Seuser brings it with his own sword (pointer)! #celebrate379

7th graders were architects last week in Mrs. Bybee's math class!
Students found measurements (area and perimeter) of floorplans, designed their own apartment, and calculated the cost of flooring and baseboards.

Today marks 100 years of speech and debate in education. We are thankful that both CCCHS and Wakefield have speech/debate and/or forensics. Mrs. Blackburn is the advisor at CCCHS and Kerri Butler is the advisor at WHS. #celebrate379

Mrs. Ehlers' third graders kicked off their measurement unit today and incorporating fractions by measuring to the nearest 1/4 inch. Students measured their own height and discussed how to create a line plot using our data. #celebrate379

Mrs. Hughes teaches a Culinary Essentials class at WHS. It is a pilot program this year, with the goal being for it to be added under the Restaurant and Event Management Career Technical Education pathway. Today, her students were learning how to make frosting, fill a piping bag, and decorate cupcakes. Even if students are not planning to go into a culinary arts field, it is a life skill they are learning!

To celebrate the 120th day of school, Mrs. Judy's first graders wrote a sentence saying what they would do with $120. Just some of the great answers they wrote:
"I would buy a Lamborghini"
"I would give it to the poor people"
"I would sell it for more money"

Mr. Couch's Cabinet Making class is part of the Construction & Design pathway through Career Technical Education. It focuses on preparing students for professions involved in designing, planning, managing, and executing projects in the built environment. There are a lot of impressive projects being created at WHS! #celebrate379

Wakefield math teacher Heike Bybee came to Wakefield not once, but twice because of the people and the feeling of community. #celebrate379

After successful student-led conferences, Emily asked for a student-led lesson. Here she is, explaining the properties of rectangles to her peers in Mrs. Bybee's math class. #celebrate379

Here is the March Bomber Dispatch parent newsletter!

Let's Glow Crazy Wakefield Elementary! #celebrate379

Why choose 379? We have a community who supports our students even after they graduate! #celebrate379

Freshmen Health students have been working with representatives from Relate 360, a group of educators who help share the message of healthy relationships. Based in Manhattan, this group takes a wholesome and comprehensive approach to relationships and human sexuality. Relate 360 also presented to all USD #379 freshmen Health students earlier this year.

Mrs. Ehlers uses small groups to help her 3rd grade students learn math each day. Today, they were using manipulatives, white boards, an online math game, and practice worksheets to learn about equivalent fractions.

USD 379 will be on a two-hour delay for Thursday, February 20, 2025. There will be no morning preschool.
Adjusted start times by two hours:
CCCMS, CCCHS, and Wakefield: 10:10 AM
LES and GES: 10:25 AM
Bus pick up and door open times - Two hours adjusted from normal
We will continue to watch the weather and the wind chill this evening and overnight. Our road crew will be checking roads early tomorrow morning. If the plan changes for school tomorrow, we will alert you by 6:00 am.

U S D 379 will be on a two-hour delay for Wednesday, February 19, 2025. There will be no morning preschool.
Adjusted start times by two hours:
CCCMS, CCCHS, and Wakefield: 10:10 AM
LES and GES: 10:25 AM
Bus pick up and door open times - Two hours adjusted from normal
We will continue to watch the weather and the wind chill this evening and overnight. Our road crew will be checking roads early tomorrow morning. If the plan changes for school tomorrow, we will alert you by 6:00 am.