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CCCHS 2020-2021 Yearbook order information.

CCCHS School Photos Tuesday, Oct. 27th

CCCHS 2020 yearbooks have arrived. If you ordered a copy, please contact tracylebo@usd379.org to arrange for a pickup @ Clay Center Community High School.

Deadline changed to 5/31/2020 - And here is the updated link for ordering CCCHS 2020 yearbook.
Thank you! CCCHS Tiger Roar Yearbook Staff

Yearbook staff zooming through this tough time. Asking for students & staff to submit their photos to tigeryearbook@usd379.org. Chronicling this moment in history at CCCHS. #bettertogether #usd379 @CCCHS_Tigers

It is not too late to order your yearbook! https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productBrowse/1071050/Clay-Center-Community-High-School/2020-Yearbook/20191018041955780116/CATALOG_SHOP/

CCCHS Yearbook is calling for your quarantine spring photos. Follow all quarantine rules & social distancing measures! Practicing your sport, doing your activities, class projects, zoom, hobbies, cap & gown, teaching, coach mentoring, etc. Send photos- tigeryearbook@usd379.org

CCCHS yearbook staff is working very hard on the 2020 edition. It is not too late to order your yearbook! https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productBrowse/1071050/Clay-Center-Community-High-School/2020-Yearbook/20191018041955780116/CATALOG_SHOP/

School Starts March 30th!

Join us for the Third Thursday Tiger Night Showcase! Check out student projects & learn how & what we've changed as a result of redesign!!! Enjoy the CCBA Chocolate Crawl from 4-7 and the vocal concert at 7 pm at the Rex Theatre. #ccchs379 #usd379 #design379

Check out Tiger News Television Live on Youtube! http://bit.ly/38yYw7W Many events stream live, & you can get caught up! Also see CCCHS TigerNewsTelevision at http://bit.ly/2SBFR5K

CCCHS Advisories participated in a school wide scavenger hunt, created by Mrs. Ware's Calculus Class.

CCCHS Tiger Showcase with Third Thursday, Feb 20th. CCCHS Locations- Java Junkies, Common Ground, Museum & The Rex.

Homecoming Week @ CCCHS, Twin Day, Gierhan & Lebo

Jadyn & Alexa, CTE Web & Digital pathway students, showing the new banner for CCCHS.

Meet Juan, a freshman at CCCHS! His favorite thing about CCCHS is weights, and his advice for freshmen is to "pay attention a lot, like a lot a lot, &don't be nervous about finals & the preACT." Juan is looking forward to playing in the BB game Friday!

Many students use Tiger Time to work on assignments.

The Advisories of Howser, Keim, Lane, Murphy, & Crutcher have a tree down on the courthouse square! Each Advisory created unique decorations and a group met this morning to get the tree decorated!

Miss Mattas had 3 K-State PDS students in her classes teaching various different labs over water usage, DNA, and cleaner burning fuels. #redesign #AgEd #TigersLearn #usd379