Our principal Mr. Young is taking care of our snowy sidewalks! He's an acts of service guy. #usd379
about 3 years ago, CCCHS Tigers
Bud Young, CCCHS principal, clearing snowy sidewalks.
FFA is hosting Little Kids Slam Jam during the half-time of the boys varsity game on Tuesday, February 22nd. Elementary students can win a free lollipop.
about 3 years ago, CCCHS Tigers
info about little kids slam jam sponsored by FFA
Tiger Fabrications will have fire pits and a CCCHS Tigers bench available for sale at the Clay County Museum during Tiger Showcase on Monday! Stop in from 4-7 pm!!! #usd379 #realworldapplication
about 3 years ago, CCCHS Tigers
photos of CCCHS TIGERS fire pit and bench
Clay Center FFA is recognizing senior FFA members who are will be pursuing an agriculture major or entering the workforce in an agriculture field after high school. Parents are invited to attend. It will take place at the start of Tiger Time, 12:03 p.m. in the gym #usd379
about 3 years ago, CCCHS Tigers
graphic about recognizing seniors going into ag fields
Two groups of seniors shadowed Sen. Tom Hawk in Topeka this week. They went on a tour of the capitol and attended hearings and meetings. They had an enjoyable day with Sen. Hawk! #realworldapplication #communityconnections #usd379
about 3 years ago, CCCHS Tigers
senior students with Sen. Tom Hawk
We'd love to see you at the Tiger Showcase on Monday, downtown from 4-8 pm! Check out student work, find something to buy from Tiger Fabrications, Roar Store, or the FBLA bake sale, go on the walking history tour, hear the band, attend a concert, and see what's up!!! #usd379
about 3 years ago, CCCHS Tigers
graphic of entire schedule for Tiger Showcase
Mr. Conner's woods classes are making flag cases. The process goes back a couple of years, starting with the logs being milled & dried for 1.5 years in our onsite solar kiln! Check out the flag cases & learn more about the project at the Tiger Showcase on Monday! #usd379
about 3 years ago, CCCHS Tigers
collage of woods students planing squaring, sanding, etc. flag cases
The CCCHS vocal winter concert is at the Rex at 7 pm on Monday, Feb. 21, to conclude the Tiger Showcase! #usd379 Rumor is that the concession stand will be open!!!
about 3 years ago, CCCHS Tigers
photo from previous vocal concert at the Rex
Did you know the mock trial is coming up March 7 and that it's open to the community? Check out the cases' opening statements at Java Junkies during the Feb. 21 Tiger Showcase! #usd379
about 3 years ago, CCCHS Tigers
invitation to the March 7 mock trial
The CCCHS band will be making the rounds at Tiger Showcase on Monday from 5-6 pm! You can also chat with teachers at Java Junkies, Happy Hippie and the Clay County Museum to see student work & learn more about CCCHS classes! #usd379
about 3 years ago, CCCHS Tigers
CCCHS Tiger Band
English teachers
Our Tiger Showcase is next Monday, the 21st downtown from 4-8 pm. Take a look at all of the activities and student work! #usd379
about 3 years ago, CCCHS Tigers
graphic with date and times of Tiger Showcase events
The student-run Roar Store will be open Monday, Feb. 21 during the Tiger Showcase at the Clay County Museum from 4-7 pm & during parent/teacher conferences on Thursday, Feb. 24 at CCCHS from 4-8 pm. Check out our student business & snag some awesome Tiger apparel! #usd379
about 3 years ago, CCCHS Tigers
Tiger apparel
Thanks to the CCCHS Breakfast Club for the Valentine's Day treats, delivered by Annelise this morning! We feel appreciated! #usd379
about 3 years ago, CCCHS Tigers
Annelise holds a basket with Valentines treats and a balloon
Seniors learned how to tie neckties today in preparation for the mock trials in March! #usd379 #realworldapplication
about 3 years ago, CCCHS Tigers
students tying neckties
On Monday, Feb. 21, come see our Tiger Showcase downtown from 4-8 pm!
about 3 years ago, CCCHS Tigers
Tiger Showcase date and time
As part of Tiger Showcase downtown on Mon., Feb. 21, the CCCHS Breakfast and Drama Clubs are leading a historical walking tour!
about 3 years ago, CCCHS Tigers
CC history walking tour graphic
Tiger House is now accepting bids for the 2021-2022 house! Check out the website for more information on sample floor plans, contact for questions and bid process. #usd379 https://buff.ly/3e6155x
almost 4 years ago, CCCHS Tigers
2020-2021 house
2020-2021 house
sample floor plan
CCCHS is searching for additional partnerships to expand student learning. We are creating an on-going community database to assist our staff in contacting community members to incorporate their expertise in the education of our students. https://forms.gle/ZPYJPjG83a62BGrGA
about 4 years ago, CCCHS Tigers
CCCHS Tiger Logo
#Andy Reid WINSday - Clay Center Community High School Staff
about 4 years ago, CCCHS Tigers
Clay Center Community High School, #Andy Reid WINSday
Super Bowl Spirit Week, Sponsored by CCCHS STUCO #RUNITBACK
about 4 years ago, CCCHS Tigers
Super Bowl Spirit Week,  Feb. 1-5