Good Luck at HOME Bengals! Both games will tip off at4pm. (Notice this is a time change) 7th Grade in the District Gym 8th Grade in the High School Gym. #BengalStrong 8th Grade Livestream YouTube Link: 7th Grade Livestream YouTube Link: Just a reminder to please have a little grace with us on Live-streaming we ask students to do this and sometimes technology does not cooperate... Thank you
about 3 years ago, Tasha Siemers
Congratulations to our 8th grade A and B basketball teams yesterday in their tournament. A team placed First and B team placed 3rd. Great job Bengals!
about 3 years ago, Tasha Siemers
Need something to watch tomorrow come see our 8th Grade Bengals in action at home in their first tournament of the season! Good Luck 8th Grade Bengals! Tomorrow Saturday, January 29th at HOME #BengalStrong A Team Livestream YouTube Link: (Play in the High School Gym) B Team Livestream YouTube Link: (Play in the District Gym) Just a reminder to please have a little grace with us on Live-streaming we ask students to do this and sometimes technology does not cooperate... Thank you
about 3 years ago, Tasha Siemers
Good Luck at HOME Bengals! Both games will tip off at 6pm. 7th Grade in the District Gym 8th Grade in the High School Gym. #BengalStrong 8th Grade Livestream YouTube Link: 7th Grade Livestream YouTube Link: Just a reminder to please have a little grace with us on Live-streaming we ask students to do this and sometimes technology does not cooperate... Thank you
about 3 years ago, Tasha Siemers
Our CCCMS Band had an amazing performance last night with the High School band students! We were excited to Welcome Dr. Frank Tracz, from Kansas State University as our guest clinician for the performance.
about 3 years ago, Tasha Siemers
Congratulations to our 7th grade A and B basketball teams on their second place finishes at the Chapman tournament today.
about 3 years ago, Tasha Siemers
Good Luck at your First Tournament 7th Grade Bengals! Tomorrow Saturday, January 22nd in Chapman #BengalStrong A Team Livestream YouTube Link: B Team Livestream YouTube Link: Just a reminder to please have a little grace with us on Live-streaming we ask students to do this and sometimes technology does not cooperate... Thank you
about 3 years ago, Tasha Siemers
Congratulations to our 2nd Quarter Bengal PAWS Card recipients! Great Work Bengals!! #bengalstrong #usd379
about 3 years ago, Tasha Siemers
Paws Card
Paws Card
Paws Card
Paws Card
Good Luck at HOME Bengals! Both games will be tip off at 6pm. 7th Grade in the District Gym 8th Grade in the High School Gym. #BengalStrong 8th Grade Livestream YouTube Link: 7th Grade Livestream YouTube Link: Just a reminder to please have a little grace with us on Live-streaming we ask students to do this and sometimes technology does not cooperate... Thank you
about 3 years ago, Tasha Siemers
Congratulations to our Spelling Bee champion Miller Coffman second place Sophia Carrier! All of our Bengal spellers did amazing! Our top 9 will advance to Districts on February 9th. First Half- Second Half-
about 3 years ago, Tasha Siemers
Reminder No School Monday, January 17th
about 3 years ago, Tasha Siemers
no school
Good Luck at HOME Bengals! All games will be played in the District Gym. 7th Grade followed by 8th Grade #BengalStrong 8th Grade Livestream YouTube Link: 7th Grade Livestream YouTube Link: Just a reminder to please have a little grace with us on Live-streaming we ask students to do this and sometimes technology does not cooperate... Thank you
about 3 years ago, Tasha Siemers
Reminder no school tomorrow Thursday, November 11th classes will resume on Friday, November 12th. We appreciate all who served!
over 3 years ago, Tasha Siemers
no school
Our 2nd (much more colorful) Rooftop Picture of the school year. In this picture, our students are grouped in their PAWS classes, with their matching PAWS shirts, which all students received today! Students will wear the shirts throughout the school year for different PAWS Olympic events. Huge shoutout to Leiszler Oil (Short Stop & Papa Johns of Clay Center) for the donation of the T-Shirts!!
over 3 years ago, Tasha Siemers
Parents, please make sure to ask your students about the PEP Cookie Dough Fundraiser it starts TODAY. THE PRIZES ARE AWESOME! And if your students sell 10 bags today and bring the sheet into the office tomorrow they will get $1!!!
over 3 years ago, Tasha Siemers
Great job 7th Grade Lady Bengals!!! They took home the NCKL crown today at Wamego. Finishing their season with a 25-4. #BengalStrong
over 3 years ago, Tasha Siemers
With Girls Volleyball winding down it is time to start planning for Girls Basketball season!!! Order your appeal today! CCCMS Basketball Team Store Order Deadline is Wednesday, October 13 #BengalStrong
over 3 years ago, Tasha Siemers
We are able to have an in person Scholastic Book Fair this year!!! It will be open in the Bengal Library next week Sept. 20-24 before and after school. Then at Piotique on Saturday Sept. 25th from about 8-3. If you prefer the online option here is the link: Thank you so much for your support!
over 3 years ago, Tasha Siemers
book fair
Classes are in full swing this week! Check out Mrs. Pfizenmaier’s 7th grade robotics class as they get to break into their Lego kits for the first time! #BengalStrong
over 3 years ago, Tasha Siemers
We had a great first day with Sixth Grade today can’t wait for all Bengals to be back in the building! Looking for CCCMS apparel?!? Check out this link 😃
over 3 years ago, Tasha Siemers