LES Legacy Wall is heading East on Webster from 2nd to 9th Street
LES Legacy Wall is taking 2nd street to Webster from Frederick
LES Legacy Wall is on Frederick from 6th to 3rd
LES Legacy Wall is on Huntress from 3rd to 6th
LES Legacy Wall is on 3rd, from Blunt to Huntress
LES Legacy Wall is on Blunt from 5th to 3rd
LES Legacy Wall is on 5th from Lane to Blunt.
LES Legacy Wall is on Lane, from 9th to 5th.
LES Legacy Wall is going left on 9th street to Lane
LES Legacy Wall is going on Lane from 12th to 10th.
LES Legacy Wall is Taking 13th from Huntress to Blunt.
LES Legacy Wall is taking Crawford East to 12th Street, then turning East onto Huntress.
LES Legacy Wall is on Crawford, going out to the baseball fields by the swimming pool!
LES Legacy Wall is going north on 13th to Crawford.
LES Legacy Wall is taking Clarke from 9th to 13th!
LES Legacy Wall is going East on Crawford to 9th Street, then south to Clarke!
LES Legacy Wall is heading East on Clarke from 3rd to 8th
LES Legacy Wall is taking Dexter from 13th to 3rd!
LES Legacy Wall is going north from Court to Dexter!
LES Legacy Wall is going East on Court Street from 1st to 13th.