2024 Clay County Local Scholarships
Following are descriptions for each local scholarship available to WHS students. To apply, students must download and complete a Local Scholarship Application for EACH scholarship you wish to apply for.
Applications should be turned in using the following order:
1) Application
2) Transcript
3) Essay (if applicable)
4) Any other requested items
Staple all items together in the top left-hand corner.
Submit all application materials to the WHS Counseling Office by February 29, 2024 at 3:30 p.m.
Avery Auto Parts
Scholarship for students interested in auto mechanics, diesel mechanics, or auto body.
Must attend a Kansas school and have a GPA of 2.5 or higher.
One scholarship, $250.
Senior girl planning to attend college or an auto-related technical progarm.
A short essay about the role of women in business today must be included.
High School activities and work experience are considered.
Amount varies.
C&R Credit Union Scholarship
Graduating senior
Planning to attend a post-secondary school and major in an Agriculture related field.
2 scholarships, $500.
Clay County Arts Council Scholarship
CCCHS or WHS senior who lives in Clay County
Majoring in performing or visual arts.
2 scholarships, $1000.
Clay Center American Legion Auxiliary
Graduate of CCCHS or WHS
Student plans to attend any type of post-secondary school
Amount varies
If selected Student will need to attend the June meeting to receive funds
Student must submit an essay on what America means to them and how they can be a patriotic citizen
Clay Center B's Scholarship
The student must have played B's softball for at least 7 years.
Must have played softball at CCCHS.
Amount varies.
Clay Center Football Association
Applicants must have played CCFA
Plan to attend a technical school or a 2 or 4-year college.
Students must submit an essay on what CCFA meant to them personally.
2 scholarships, $250
Clay Center Ministerial Alliance Scholarship
Graduating Senior from CCCHS or WHS
Demonstrates a maturing faith in Christ
Planning to attend a vocational/trade school or 2 or 4-year college/university
Volunteers at their local church, school or community in some form (please mention how in your essay)
Letter of recommendation from your pastor and one teacher at your high school
A short essay (500 words or less) choosing ONE of the following topics:
Tell us your journey of faith, including areas of your life you’ve seen God change you the most.
Tell us what your vocational plans are for the future and how you envision your faith intersecting with your job.
Tell us how you have seen God work in your life in this last year.
$500 award
Colby Barber Foundation
Separate application required - application can be found here
Planning to major in Agriculture or Technology
Graduate of CCCHS or WHS
One time scholarship in the amount of $1000
Curtis and Betty Algren Memorial Scholarship - This scholarship was established in memory of Curtis and Betty Algren, long time members of the First Presbyterian Church of Clay Center.
Student must be a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Clay Center, Kansas.
Student must be serious about education and clear in their educational goals.
Student must demonstrate financial need.
First Presbyterian Church Scholarship
This scholarship will be given annually to graduating seniors who are connected with the First Presbyterian Church in Clay Center.
The number given and amount of each scholarship will be determined by the scholarship committee.
Glenn and Elizabeth Adams Memorial
Members of a United Methodist Church for at least 2 years will take precedence.
Non-members must have been a member of a church of the Christian orientation for at least 2 years.
Applicants may attend college, Vo-tech, or graduate school.
Financial need and the goal of the applicant will take precedence over the age of the applicant.
Amount varies.
Jeanne Martin Memorial Scholarship
Graduate of CCCHS or WHS
Applicant is planning to major in Education and/or Coaching
One $2000 scholarships will be awarded
Financial need will be considered
Applicants will write ONE paragraph on why they are choosing education or coaching as a career.
Lutheran Church Youth Scholarship
Student attends the Clay Center Lutheran Church
Amount varies