2024 Clay County Local Scholarships

Following are descriptions for each local scholarship available to WHS students. To apply, students must download and complete a Local Scholarship Application for EACH scholarship you wish to apply for.

Applications should be turned in using the following order:

1) Application
2) Transcript
3) Essay (if applicable)
4) Any other requested items

Staple all items together in the top left-hand corner.

Submit all application materials to the WHS Counseling Office by February 29, 2024 at 3:30 p.m.

Avery Auto Parts 

  • Scholarship for students interested in auto mechanics, diesel mechanics, or auto body. 

  • Must attend a Kansas school and have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. 

  • One scholarship, $250.


  • Senior girl planning to attend college or an auto-related technical progarm.


    • A short essay about the role of women in business today must be included. 

  • High School activities and work experience are considered. 

  • Amount varies.

C&R Credit Union Scholarship 

  • Graduating senior 

  • Planning to attend a post-secondary school and major in an Agriculture related field. 

  • 2 scholarships, $500.

Clay County Arts Council Scholarship

  • CCCHS or WHS senior who lives in Clay County 

  • Majoring in performing or visual arts. 

  • 2 scholarships, $1000.

Clay Center American Legion Auxiliary

  • Graduate of CCCHS or WHS

  • Student plans to attend any type of post-secondary school

  • Amount varies

  • If selected Student will need to attend the June meeting to receive funds


    • Student must submit an essay on what America means to them and how they can be a patriotic citizen

Clay Center B's Scholarship 

  • The student must have played B's softball for at least 7 years. 

  • Must have played softball at CCCHS.

  • Amount varies.

Clay Center Football Association 

  • Applicants must have played CCFA 

  • Plan to attend a technical school or a 2 or 4-year college. 


    • Students must submit an essay on what CCFA meant to them personally. 

  • 2 scholarships, $250

Clay Center Ministerial Alliance Scholarship

  • Graduating Senior from CCCHS or WHS

  • Demonstrates a maturing faith in Christ

  • Planning to attend a vocational/trade school or 2 or 4-year college/university

  • Volunteers at their local church, school or community in some form (please mention how in your essay)

  • Letter of recommendation from your pastor and one teacher at your high school


    • A short essay (500 words or less) choosing ONE of the following topics:

      • Tell us your journey of faith, including areas of your life you’ve seen God change you the most.

      • Tell us what your vocational plans are for the future and how you envision your faith intersecting with your job.

      • Tell us how you have seen God work in your life in this last year.

      • $500 award

Colby Barber Foundation

  • Separate application required - application can be found here

  • Planning to major in Agriculture or Technology

  • Graduate of CCCHS or WHS

  • One time scholarship in the amount of $1000

Curtis and Betty Algren Memorial Scholarship - This scholarship was established in memory of Curtis and Betty Algren, long time members of the First Presbyterian Church of Clay Center. 

  • Student must be a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Clay Center, Kansas.

  • Student must be serious about education and clear in their educational goals.

  • Student must demonstrate financial need.

First Presbyterian Church Scholarship 

  • This scholarship will be given annually to graduating seniors who are connected with the First Presbyterian Church in Clay Center. 

  • The number given and amount of each scholarship will be determined by the scholarship committee.

Glenn and Elizabeth Adams Memorial 

  • Members of a United Methodist Church for at least 2 years will take precedence. 

  • Non-members must have been a member of a church of the Christian orientation for at least 2 years.

  • Applicants may attend college, Vo-tech, or graduate school. 

  • Financial need and the goal of the applicant will take precedence over the age of the applicant.

  • Amount varies.

Jeanne Martin Memorial Scholarship

  • Graduate of CCCHS or WHS

  • Applicant is planning to major in Education and/or Coaching

  • One $2000 scholarships will be awarded

  • Financial need will be considered


    •  Applicants will write ONE paragraph on why they are choosing education or coaching as a career. 

Lutheran Church Youth Scholarship

  • Student attends the Clay Center Lutheran Church

  • Amount varies