USD 379 Clay County Schools offers multiple Early Learning programs which include Parents as Teachers, Early Childhood (3-5-year-old special education), and Pre-K (3 & 4-year-old).
The Kansas Department of Education invites you to attend a free developmental screening. The purpose of the screening is to assess children, age birth to five, in the areas of walking, talking, seeing, hearing, and learning. Our special education cooperative hosts Child Check screenings in the first and second semester. Call 785-632-3176 and ask for more information.
Ages birth to 36 months: Parents are encouraged to call the Parents as Teachers program at (785) 802-8771 to schedule a developmental screening. Hearing screenings are available by appointment.
Ages 36 months to 5 years: Please call Lincoln Elementary to schedule a developmental screening. Call for dates and location of these screenings. For all other questions, please contact Mr. Matt Weller, principal of LES,
Community-based staff is encouraged to refer children and their families to the TLEC if a concern arises related to the presence of a potential disability or developmental delay.
Developmental milestones are physical and/or behavioral skills or age-specific tasks that demonstrate a child’s growth. Although each milestone has a recommended age-level range, the age when a child may reach each milestone may actually vary quite a bit. Every child is unique! To learn more about developmental milestones, please visit:
Our early childhood team has set up a google site that has multiple family resources, please visit: Family Resources
Within our 3 and 4 year old preschool program at Lincoln Elementary, we utilize the Connect 4 Learning curriculum as well as instructional practices related to Pathways to Reading and Learning Without Tears. For more information, please contact our PK team and we would love to meet with you!